From fuzz to fu..
Hei!, as you haven't seen..because you didnt comment on the last post i finally learned some tricks on html..or web slang. I manganed to put a little at the beggining of images but now we have a full integrated desing to the best of my knowledge on programming...(which i picked today)
You all have buttons baby! how cool is that? Ed and Napo were the hardest lol..i havent done art for you guys..nevertheless you are most represented by your avatars. Also we have a Jac viewer so you can comment on anything not only on posts..lets get interactive will ya ppl?
Ok so glorfiy me with comments and all..spread the voice^^
Gaming Reffered..well i havent played's breaking my bones.. GTA:SA turns out that not only hookers are loaded are a lot of G@y looking lads so elegant taht when smacked a few ones drop heaps of green paper, and i can go buy beers food and.. OH A LOWRIDER! yeah.. nice little car with hidraulics jumpers, custom paint, boom box, and nitro^^
Thought of the post?-- Elegance et Decadence.."Europe Endless" By KraftWerk