Thursday, May 10, 2007

Transcending History and the World a Tale of Souls and..Muskets?

Yes indeed, muskets.. cooler than god if you will. As we wait this week to pass by and step closer to the Open Beta of Granado Espada, we fans fill with impatience, but what's this ruckus all about all of a sudden? ^^

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To you all that aren't on the close loop lemme tell ya... Ever played or wanted to play a game where you can control not one or six but THREE characters? and did i mention these guys are into Baroque Thematics all over?..ahh if columbus was like this i'd have loved to be here back in '492 to see some of the gun smoling action this game is all about. Based on the Exploration and Conquest you'll drive along the newfoundland getting rid of...evil deformed creatures of course^^ what did you expected natives with culture to share?

Pretty exciting game it is and i recommend to everyone who has tried the available Role Playing games as this goes far different from them, you get to shoot muskets and guns for heavens sake!

ahh you'll love this one of you're into games.. for all your info needs be sure to check the HotShots in the Hideouts List under Granado Espada, and believe me they're nice, eloquent and funny^^


Sunday, May 06, 2007

This is How i Roll

Nice sound line that many of you will be repeating along with others in the weeks to come and buying loads of paraphernalia in the local happy boxes. It's been really a while since i was last here got some nice work done and looked for nice solid hosting so the new blog should have the gadgets still on for a long time. A nice colorama, I'll see what to add later on. Been lately into cooking and not much, games have been a bit away but music's been growing, i got a hold of the Zero 7 works and they rockzorz my sockzorz, also had a crash read on my lineup of bloggers so y'all been taken care of by these set of browns, like a lot what you all have done with your places and your posts.

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Just these weeks i had been detailing the deal with cab drivers, not the lingo (which i have decoded in some ways) but more to the lewd personality that comes along with most of them...seems like a standard M.O. to spot a female with an appealing body part to let the cabbie: curl up frontwards, twist head, widen eyes and tap the claxon like if it was the thing they were watching..out of 15 cabbies 13 did so, the others were older, and these are the kind i prefer.

While young bloods are lewd and bold..cause you gotta have sack to kick in reggaeton or vallenato at 7:30 am not just on but loud as Yo! crack head I'm paying for a ride not a show -you get refunded and dropped- lost time, and when its cab time for me i don't have any to spare. Then we have old musk, these kind still have grown over a sex basis but their histories cover gallant words and they give traveling tips and tales of other lands, aand if you're savvy enough to keep the convo rolling you might get a slack on the fare, plus while riding with these you can actually hear nice music low, high, AC on or off and you can put your CD!..sure beats the heck of Chinese female cabbies that swear like drunken sailors and drive like they owned a hummer...urk

well thats for today, Thesis 2 (2) is loaded, still feeling kind of blue. Davis is working
see ya..or not
