Tuesday, July 04, 2006


umm.. today i finished the bloody film..i've been shooting for three days just to get later like 10 minutes of stuff..tired hot and bothered..

I had to play a big role due to actorforce shortage, and no i didnt used my wapanese shirts, we had a lot of fun but also a lot of stress..turns out that theres like 2 llaneros blocks between writing a script and making it real.. my creativity met castration on filiming sessions...but i managed

ok so it was difficult, what is it about?

"Secuestrando Ando" is about 4 students that decide to make a funny kidnapping using a lot of stereotypes seen on other short films of urbe ppl, we make fun of all we thought using three main characters..the kidnappers Lara the annoying girl annoyed , Abel the normal and player, and Chonci, the oddly spanish accented man in weird glasses. These guys kidnap the son of a druglord and ask for a ransom that turns out to be no less than 40 blocks of...

Harina pan..yes like you read it, no coke, crack or something funny..hopefully ppl will get a good laugh, crucify the actors, make fun later on..and so on..i gotta say i at the end was all about finishing.

So thats pretty much what im doing now oh oh and Grand Theft Auto San Andreas...my my its loike a tamagotchi but instead of a cute pet you get a black guy with cartoony lines, ppl in the ghetto dont talk like that...hell no!

But you can do a lot there..steal a car..a bike..or maybe walk on town. The game is very detailed as you can run on a car and stop on a Clothing store, Fast Food Joint (there are several, and each has like 6 different foods), or even a Gym to burn fat and get buffed ^^.

My most fun time..well i went outside and smacked 3 hookers..yeah^^ then i stomped them, they drop a lot of money and weapons, then i shot at the gas tank of a car...boooom it went to the sky, then the cops came more shooting then i got dead, but it was grea!!!T

Ok, bye bye for nowes..those lines made my nevada out again..im gonna kill some hookers

Thought of the day "Hookers have to be killed fast, as they tend to shoot back any aggresors"


Unknown said...

Oh OH OH!! i wanna see it!! when when when!!!???

I love you boyy!!!

KaritoGlam said...

I also wanna see it!!! =>

Oh and you sound just like a lil boy :) how cute! haha I haven't played that one, but it sounds super cool.
And if you got a LOT of money and a Van, you can get the hooker in and fuck her. The thing is, they're EXPENSIVE as hell!

So I guess u better slap those whores LOL. Take the money and RUN!
