Saturday, December 16, 2006

Brimful of Asha

Huzzah!...omg like what was that? possibly a new trend if you're computer game geeks like me... hehehe afternoon mateys this is super hijack super fly non informative post special .

I just kicked some real dust over the brain and remember a mass event which happened during my 40's...they called it The World Chart Show..i called it milla jovovich redheaded short haired in a can...yeah that good...over the heavy listing of tunes i recalled in my mind some were re discovered thanks to internet master and some band names and songs i managed to pull out. Remember that previous link for sampling Kind of Blue? well that page has samples of a good amount of stuff... good music stuff indeed.

That took me to rethink something that hasn't happened at urbe for ages... music style battles, and i mean real music battles...a very amazing choreography of hardcore ppl defending ramones, metallica and others nowadays those titans have faded and now replaced by the mindless children who doesn't know squat and are really wearing thin the worldwide supply of black fabric and metal...boy oh boy..will ever the good and hot times be back? we need defenders again but the battlefield yet lies under the silicon valleys and electric cascades of data...the old power of MTV has grown wild and now shouts static...

But heroes still are there, just as these records they need to be rediscovered by the new generations to come,, because bloody true from the 80's-90's to the 2000 we had ass kicking music. Not going deeper into the spike 'cause there's no need to why fight if we can convert? imma fly back and have more funky delight... but i leave you these "faces" maybe you recognize them somewhere?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

"..So my story ends here, lets be clear.."


"..Nuff Said.."

1 comment:

Delirium said...

lord commic...
Well i supose there´s not too much left of those deads generations... anyways with the latin mtv we cannot xpect anything that gives us hope for now... so the solution probably is... to burn mtv, and then to kill the generation of kids who likes crappy music
Luv ya commic, take care ^^